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Experimental Studies of Physical Effects of Orgone Energy
Bibliography A. Thermal Orgonometry
(This bibliography contains only print-media English-language citations, and does not include other works which are available only online or in other languages.)

  • Atkin, R. (1949) The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Orgone Accumulator, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 1: 52-60.
  • Baker, C. (1977) The Electroscope, IV: Atmospheric Pulsation, Journal of Orgonomy, 11: 35-48.
  • Baker, C. (1985) Atmospheric Pulsation: Air and Water, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 2: 25-32.
  • Baker, C. and Burlingame, P. (1988) To-T, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 5: 74-80.
  • Blasband, R. (1971) Thermal Orgonometry, Journal of Orgonomy, 5: 175-188.
  • Correa, P. and Correa, A. (2001) The Reproducible Thermal Anomaly of the Reich-Einstein Experiment Under Limit Conditions, Infinite Energy, 7 (37): 12-21.
  • DeMeo, J. (2010) Experimental Confirmation of the Orgone Energy Accumulator Thermal Anomaly, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 20 (3): 17-32.
  • Fuckert, M. (1991) Measurements of Atmospheric Orgone Energy, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 8: 1-16.
  • Grad, B. (1996) Some Heat Experiments Implicating the Existence of a Subtle Energy, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 7 (3): 239-262.
  • Harman, R. (1986) Further Experiments with Negative To Minus T, Journal of Orgonomy, 20: 67-74.
  • Howell, H. (1955) The Physics of Orgone Therapy, Orgonomic Functionalism, 2: 45-56.
  • Howell, H. (1955) Lead and Lag in To-T Experiments, Orgonomic Functionalism, 2: 248-250.
  • Konia, C. (1972) Thermal Effects of the Reich DOR-Buster, Journal of Orgonomy, 6: 48-60.
  • Konia, C. (1974) An Investigation of the Thermal Properties of the ORAC: Part I, Journal of Orgonomy, 8: 47-64.
  • Konia, C. (1978) An Investigation of the Thermal Properties of the ORAC: Part II, Journal of Orgonomy, 12: 244-252.
  • Maglione, R. (2012) Methods and Procedures in Biophysical Orgonometry, Moncrivello, Italy.
  • Mann, G. (1979) Experiments with the Orgone Accumulator, International Journal of Life Energy, 1: 43-56.
  • Milan, V., Ranchis, R., Verdu, G., Munoz-Cobos, J., Baeza, G., and Kot, P. (2002) Anomalies in Radioactive Decay Rates and Temperature Measurements Inside a Modified Faraday Cage, Pulse of the Planet, 5: 182.
  • Reich, W. (1944a) Thermical and Electroscopical Orgonometry, International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 3: 1-16.
  • Reich, W. (1944b) Orgonotic Pulsation: the Differentiation of Orgone Energy from Electromagnetism, Presented in Talks with an Electro-physicist, International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 3: 97-150. (This paper was reprinted in Orgonomic Functionalism, 3: 20-63 [1991], 4: 19-40, [1992], and 5: 20-44 [1994]. A previously unpublished section of it was published in Orgonomic Functionalism, 6: 22-35 [1996].)
  • Reich, W. (1948) The Discovery of the Orgone, Volume II: The Cancer Biopathy, New York: Orgone Institute Press.
  • Reich, W. (1949) Orgonotic Light Functions, 1: Searchlight Phenomena in the Orgone Envelope of the Earth (1942-1945), Orgone Energy Bulletin, 1: 3-6.
  • Reich, W. (1950) Meteorological Functions in Orgone-Charged Vacuum Tubes, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 2: 184-193.
  • Reich, W. (1951a) The Storm of November 25th and 26th, 1950, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 72-75.
  • Reich, W. (1951b) The Orgone Energy Accumulator: Its Scientific and Medical Use, Rangeley, ME: Wilhelm Reich Foundation.
  • Reich, W. (1953) The Einstein Affair, 1939-1952, Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy, Documentary Volume A-IX-E, Rangeley, ME: Orgone Institute Press.
  • Ritter, P. and Ritter, J. (1954) Thermical Orgonometry, Orgonomic Functionalism, 1: 221-224; 273.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1972) The Temperature Difference: Experimental Protocol, Journal of Orgonomy, 6: 61-71.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1972) An Analysis of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich: Part 2, Physical Concepts, Journal of Orgonomy, 6: 222-231.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1973) An Analysis of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich: Part 3, the Physical Evidence, Journal of Orgonomy, 7: 234-245.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1976) The Electroscope, III: Atmospheric Pulsation, Journal of Orgonomy, 10: 57-80.
  • Seiler, H. (1982) New Experiments in Thermal Orgonometry, Journal of Orgonomy, 16: 197-206.
  • Shelton, B. (1964) Thermical Orgonometry, Orgonomic Functionalism, 10: 63-66.
  • Starz, K. (1962) The Effect of the Orgone Energy Accumulator on Air Temperature, Creative Process, 2: 125-136.
Bibliography B. Electroscopical Orgonometry:
  • Baker, C. (1977) The Electroscope, IV: Atmospheric Pulsation, Journal of Orgonomy, 11: 35-48.
  • Baker, C. (1985) Atmospheric Pulsation: Air and Water, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 2: 25-32.
  • Burlingame, P. (1985) A Home-Made Electroscope, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 2: 60-68.
  • Cleveland, W. L. (1972) Misrepresentation of Classical Physics and the Scientific Method: A Disservice to Orgonomy, Jamaica, NY: The Wilhelm Reich Institute for Orgonomic Studies.
  • Correa, P. and Correa, A. (2003) Comparative Study of the Variation in the Spontaneous Discharge Rate of Atmospheric Electroscopes and Electroscopes Placed within ‘Orgone Accumulators’, in: Correa, P. and Correa, A.: Experimental Aetherometry, Volume I, Concord, Canada: Akronos Publishing, University of Toronto Press, pp. 265-348.
  • Fuckert, M. (1991) Measurements of Atmospheric Orgone Energy, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 8: 1-16.
  • Howell, H. (1955) The Physics of Orgone Therapy, Orgonomic Functionalism, 2: 45-56.
  • Konia, C. (1983) Electroscopic Effects of the Medical DOR-buster: Preliminary Report, Journal of Orgonomy, 17: 56-60.
  • Maglione, R. (2012) Methods and Procedures in Biophysical Orgonometry, Moncrivello, Italy.
  • Raknes, O. (1970) Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy, New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Reich, W. (1944a) Thermical and Electroscopical Orgonometry, International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 3: 1-16.
  • Reich, W. (1944b) Orgonotic Pulsation: the Differentiation of Orgone Energy from Electromagnetism, Presented in Talks with an Electrophysicist, International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 3: 97-150.(This paper was reprinted in Orgonomic Functionalism, 3: 20-63 [1991], 4: 19-40, [1992], and 5: 20-44 [1994]. A previously unpublished section of it was published for the first time in Orgonomic Functionalism, 6:22-35 [1996].)
  • Reich, W. (1948) The Discovery of the Orgone, Volume II: The Cancer Biopathy, New York: Orgone Institute Press.
  • Reich, W. (1950) Note on Electroscopical Orgonometry, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 2: 47.
  • Reich, W. (1950) Meteorological Functions in Orgone-Charged Vacuum Tubes, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 2: 184-193.
  • Reich, W. (1951a) The Storm of November 25th and 26th, 1950, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 72-75.
  • Reich, W. (1951b) Three Experiments with Rubber at the Electroscope, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 144-145.
  • Reich, W. (1951c) The Orgone Energy Accumulator: Its Scientific and Medical Use, Rangeley, ME: Wilhelm Reich Foundation.
  • Reich, W. (1992) Orgone Functions in Weather Formation, Orgonomic Functionalism, 4: 41-51.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1969) The Electroscope, I, Journal of Orgonomy, 3: 188-197.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1970) The Electroscope, II, Journal of Orgonomy, 4: 79-90.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1972a) An Open Letter, Journal of Orgonomy, 6: 258-262.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1972b) An Analysis of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich: Part 2, Physical Concepts, Journal of Orgonomy, 6: 222-231.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1973) An Analysis of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich: Part 3, the Physical Evidence, Journal of Orgonomy, 7: 234-245.
  • Rosenblum, C. [pseudonym, Baker, C.] (1976) The Electroscope, III: Atmospheric Pulsation, Journal of Orgonomy, 10: 57-80.
Bibliography C. Geiger-Muller and Vacor Tubes:
  • Bizzi, B. (1972) Light in Deep-Vacuum Lamps and the Biophysical Problem of ‘Vital Energy’, Energy and Character, 3: 16-17.
  • Boadella, D. (1958) Some Orgonotic Lumination Effects, Orgonomic Functionalism, 5: 139-152.
  • Boadella, D. (1958) Orgonotic Excitation Effects, Orgonomic Functionalism, 5: 211-235.
  • Correa, P. and Correa, A. (2004) The Myths of Orgone Charged Vacor Tubes, Infinite Energy, 10 (55): 48-51.
  • DeMeo, J. (2002) Photographing the Orgone Energy, Pulse of the Planet, 5: 254-255.
  • Howell, H. (1958) Orgone Lumination in Gas and Vacuo, Orgonomic Functionalism, 5: 236-241.
  • Hughes, D. (1982) Some Geiger-Muller Counter Observations After Reich, Journal of Orgonomy, 16: 68-73.
  • Maglione, R. (2012) Methods and Procedures in Biophysical Orgonometry, Moncrivello, Italy.
  • Mallove, E. (2004) Nieborowski’s ‘Orgone Charged Vacuum Tubes’, Infinite Energy, 9 (54): 58.
  • Nieborowski, T. (2001) Orgone Charged Photo-multiplier Tubes, Journal of Orgonomy, 35: 17-26.
  • Nieborowski, T. (2002) Orgone Charged Vacuum Tubes, Journal of Orgonomy, 36: 31- 42.
  • Reich, W. (1949) A Motor Force in Orgone Energy: Preliminary Communications, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 1: 7-11.
  • Reich, W. (1949) Orgonotic Light Functions, 3: Further Physical Characteristics of Vacor Lumination (1948), Orgone Energy Bulletin, 1: 97-99.
  • Reich, W. (1950) Meteorological Functions in Orgone-Charged Vacuum Tubes, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 2: 184-193.
  • Reich, W. (1951) The Storm of November 25th and 26th, 1950, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 72-75.
  • Reich, W. (1951) The Geiger-Muller Effect of Cosmic Orgone Energy (1947), Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 201-234.
  • Reich, W. (1951) The Orgone Energy Charged Vacuum Tubes (VACOR) (1948), Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 235-266.
  • Reich, W. (1951) The Oranur Experiment, First Report (1947-1951), Rangeley, ME: Orgone Institute Press.
Bibliography D. Effects of Orgone Energy on Water:
  • Baker, C. (1985) Atmospheric Pulsation: Air and Water, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 2: 25-32.
  • DeMeo, J. (1980) Water Evaporation Inside the Orgone Accumulator, Journal of Orgonomy, 14: 171-175.
  • DeMeo, J. (2011) Water as a Resonant Medium for Unusual External Environmental Factors, Water, 3: 1-47.
  • DeMeo, J. (2018) Anomalous “Living” Spectrographic Changes in Water Structures: Explorations in New Territory, Water, 10: 41-81.
  • Farashchuk, N., Fomitchev-Zamilov, M., and Tsyuman, Y. (2014) A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Reich’s Orgone Accumulator on Oat Seed Sprouting and the Structure of Water, Water, 6: 26-34.
  • Howell, H. (1955) Orgone, Humidity, and Cancer, Orgonomic Functionalism, 2: 183-194.
  • Konia, C. (1991) Orgonomic Hygrometry, Journal of Orgonomy, 25: 5-13.
  • Konia, C. (1992) Hygrometric Function of the Orac under Drought Conditions, Journal of Orgonomy, 26: 224-230.
Clinical Observations on Physical Orgone Therapy in Humans
(This bibliography contains only print-media English-language citations, and does not include other works which are available only online or in other languages.)

  • Anderson, W. (1950) Orgone Therapy in Rheumatic Fever, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 2: 71-73.*
  • Baumann, S. (1986) My Experience with the Orgone Accumulator, Energy and Character, 17(1): 65-68
  • Bremer, K. (1953) Medical Effects of Orgone Energy, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 5: 71-84.*
  • Brenner, M. (1991) Orgonotic Devices in the Treatment of Infectious Conditions, Pulse of the Planet, 3: 49-53.
  • Cott, A. (1951) Orgonomic Treatment of Ichthyosis, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 163-166.*
  • Foglia, A. (2004) Medical Orgone Therapy and the Medical DOR-buster in the Treatment of Grave’s Disease, Journal of Orgonomy, 38: 84-92.
  • Hoppe, W. (1945) My First Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator, International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 4: 200-201.*
  • Hoppe, W. (1949) My Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 1: 12-22.*
  • Hoppe, W. (1950) Further Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 2: 16-21.*
  • Hoppe, W. (1955) Orgone Versus Radium Therapy of Skin Cancer: Report of a Case, Orgonomic Medicine, 1: 133-138.
  • Hoppe, W. (1973) The Treatment of a Malignant Melanoma with Orgone Energy, Energy and Character, 4(3): 46-50.
  • Lassek, H. (1991) Orgone Accumulator Therapy of Severely Diseased People, Pulse of the Planet, 3: 39-47.
  • Levine, E. (1951) Treatment of a Hypertensive Biopathy with the Orgone Accumulator, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 25-34.*
  • Moise, R. (2009) Household Use of the Orgone Energy Accumulator, Energy and Character, 37: 19-25.
  • Opfermann-Fuckert, D. (1989) Reports on Treatments with Orgone Energy, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 6: 33-52.
  • Reich, E. (1979) I Was the Strange Doctor, International Journal of Life Energy, 1: 32-42.
  • Reich, W. (1942) The Carcinomatous Shrinking Biopathy, International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 1: 131-155.**
  • Reich, W. (1943) Experimental Orgone Therapy of the Cancer Biopathy (1937-1943), International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 2: 1-92.**
  • Reich, W. (1945) Anorgonia in the Carcinomatous Shrinking Biopathy, International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 4: 1-33.**
  • Reich, W. and Reich, E. (1955) Early Diagnosis of Cancer of the Uterus (Ca V) (Case No. 13), C.OR.E (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), 7: 47-53.*
  • Senf, B. (1979) Wilhelm Reich: Discoverer of Acupuncture Energy?, American Journal of Acupuncture, 7: 109-118.
  • Silvert, M. (1952) On the Medical Use of Orgone Energy, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 4: 51-54.*
  • Sobey, V. (1955) Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Orgone Energy, Orgonomic Medicine, 1: 121-132.
  • Sobey, V. (1956) A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Orgone Energy, Orgonomic Medicine, 2: 64-69.
  • Tropp, S. (1949) The Treatment of a Mediastinal Malignancy with the Orgone Accumulator, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 1: 100-109.*
  • Tropp, S. (1950) Orgone Therapy of an Early Breast Cancer, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 2: 131-138.*
  • Tropp, S. (1951) Limited Surgery in Orgonomic Cancer Therapy, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 81-89.*
  • Wevrick, N. (1951) Physical Orgone Therapy of Diabetes, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 110-112.*

* included in the collection: Clinical Observations on the Use of the Orgone Energy Accumulator (Wilhelm Reich Museum, 2004).
** included in Reich, W. (1948) The Discovery of the Orgone, Volume II: The Cancer Biopathy, Orgone Institute Press (reprinted in a new translation, by Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1973).

Experimental Studies of Effects of Orgone Energy on Plants
  • Baker, C., and Burlingame, P. (1990) Orgone Treatment of Sprouting Mung Beans, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 7: 9-14.
  • Blasband, R. (1983) Some Effects of the Medical DOR-buster on Plant Growth, Journal of Orgonomy, 17: 201-204.
  • Blasband, R. (1985) Some Effects of the Medical DOR-buster on Plant Growth, Part 2, Journal of Orgonomy, 19: 220-225.
  • Claymond, H. (1985) Preliminary Indications for an Energetic Concept of Soil Fertility, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 11: 8-12.
  • Claymond, H. (1986) Some Observations on Orgonotropism, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 12: 49-50.
  • Claymond, H. (1987) The Importance of Randomization in the Conduct of Plant Experiments, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 14: 30-31.
  • Claymond, H. (1987) Effects of the Orgone Accumulator on Potato and Onion Plants, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 4: 44-48.
  • Claymond, H. (1990) A Seed – Sprouting Method to Compare ORAC Effectiveness, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 7: 41-46.
  • Courie, M. (1955) Plant Response to Orgone Energy, CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), 7: 203-204.
  • DeMeo, J. (1975) Effects of Fluorescent Lights and Metal Boxes on Growing Plants, Journal of Orgonomy, 9: 62-68.
  • DeMeo, J. (1978) Seed Sprouting Inside the Orgone Accumulator, Journal of Orgonomy, 12: 253-258.
  • DeMeo, J. (2002) Orgone Accumulator Stimulation of Sprouting Mung Beans, Pulse of the Planet, 5: 168-175.
  • DeMeo, J. (2010) Report on Orgone Accumulator Stimulation of Sprouting Mung Beans, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 21(2): 51-62.
  • Dexter, M., Desmond, L., and Coen, K. (1977) Orgone Energy and Plant Growth, Energy and Character, 8(3): 79-81.
  • Espanca, J. (1981) Letters from Portugal, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 2: 35-39.
  • Espanca, J. (1981-1987) The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life, Parts 1- 10, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 3: 23-28; 4: 35-38; 6: 20-23; 7: 36-37; 8: 35-39; 11: 30-32; 12: 45-48; 13: 13-17; 14: 19-22; 15: 29-32, 35.
  • Espanca, J. (1984) Orgone Energy Devices for Irradiation of Plants, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 9: 25-31.
  • Espanca, J. (1986) Orgone Energy and Plant Life, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 3: 57-62.
  • Farashchuk, N., Fomitchev-Zamilov, M., and Tsyuman, Y. (2014) A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Reich’s Orgone Accumulator on Oat Seed Sprouting and the Structure of Water, Water, 6: 26-34.
  • Grad, B. (1963) A Telekinetic Effect on Plant Growth, International Journal of Parapsychology, 5: 117-133.
  • Grad, B. (1964) A Telekinetic Effect on Plant Growth, II: Experiments Involving Treatment of Saline in Stoppered Bottles, International Journal of Parapsychology, 6: 473-498.
  • Heckman, J. (2011) Onion Plant Responses to Orgone Accumulator Treatment, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 11: 17-21.
  • Lai, T. and Eberl, D. (1988) Effect of an Energy Accumulator on Phosphorus Availability, Abstracts, 80th Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, p.240. (Reprinted in Pulse of the Planet, 4: 116, 1993).
  • Lane, L. [pseudonym, Lance, L.](1977) Effects of the ORAC on Growing Plants, Journal of Orgonomy, 11: 68-71.
  • Reich, W. (1949) Ether, God and Devil, Orgone Institute Press, New York. (a brief discussion of effects of orgone energy on plants is found on page 81 [page 102 in the 1973 Farrar, Straus, and Giroux edition])
  • Ritter, P. and Ritter, J. (1954) Experiment Orgone Flower Pot Number 1, Orgonomic Functionalism, 1: 323-326.
  • Schwartz, J. (1986) Some Experiments with Seed Sprouts and Energetic Fields, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 13: 18-21.
  • Sellers, A. (1987) The Effects of Orgonotic Devices on Tomato Plant Growth, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 15: 20-28.
  • Shelton, B. (1964) An Experiment Investigating the Effect of the Orgone Accumulator on Plant Growth, Orgonomic Functionalism, 10: 63-66.
  • Wyvell, L. and Strick, J. (1984) Orgonotropism, Offshoots of Orgonomy, 9: 7-12.
Experimental Studies of Biological Effects of Orgone Energy on Mice and Humans
Bibliography A. Studies of Wound Healing
  • Baker, C., Dew, R., Ganz, M., and Lance, L. (1984) Wound Healing in Mice, Part 1, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 1: 12-23.
  • Baker, C., Dew, R., Ganz, M., and Lance, L. (1985) Wound Healing in Mice, Part 2, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 2: 7-24.
  • Baker, C. (1985) Atmospheric Pulsation: Air and Water, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 2: 25-32.
  • Grad, B., Cadoret, R., and Paul, G. (1961) An Unorthodox Method of Treatment of Wound Healing in Mice, International Journal of Parapsychology, 3(3): 5-24.
Bibliography B. Studies of Cancer in Mice
  • Blasband, R. (1972) An Analysis of the U.S. FDA’s Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part 1: the Biomedical Evidence, Journal of Orgonomy, 6: 207-222.
  • Blasband, R. (1973) The Orgone Energy Accumulator in the Treatment of Cancer in Mice, Journal of Orgonomy, 7: 81-85.
  • Blasband, R. (1974) The Medical DOR-buster in the Treatment of Cancer in Mice, Journal of Orgonomy, 8: 173-180.
  • Blasband, R. (1984) Effects of the Orac on Cancer in Mice: Three Experiments, Journal of Orgonomy, 18: 202-211.
  • Blasband, R. (1988) The Orgone Energy Light: A Pilot Experiment, Journal of Orgonomy, 22: 62-67.
  • Blasband, R. (2010) The Orgone Energy Accumulator in the Treatment of Cancer in Mice, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 20 (2): 7-14.
  • Blasband, R., Ganz, M., and Konia, C. (1976) Orgonotic Functions in the Solunar Cycle, Journal of Orgonomy, 10: 81-89.
  • Grad, B. (1992) The Effect of the Orgone Accumulator on the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia of AKR Mice, Journal of Orgonomy, 26: 199-217.
  • Reich, W. (1943) Experimental Orgone Therapy of the Cancer Biopathy (1937-1943), International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, 2: 1-92.
  • Reich, W. (1948) The Discovery of the Orgone, Volume II: The Cancer Biopathy, (translated by Theodore P. Wolfe) New York: Orgone Institute Press.
  • Reich, W. (1950) The Orgonomic Anti-nuclear Radiation Project (ORANUR), Orgone Energy Emergency Bulletin, 1: 3-12.
  • Reich, W. (1951a) The Orgone Energy Accumulator: Its Scientific and Medical Use, Rangeley, ME: Orgone Institute Press.
  • Reich, W. (1951b) The Leukemia Problem: I. Approach, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 3: 76-80.
  • Reich, W. (1951c) Oranur Results in Mice, in: The Oranur Experiment, First Report (1947-1951), Rangeley, ME: Orgone Institute Press, pp. 297-303.
  • Trotta, E. and Marer, E. (1990) The Orgonotic Treatment of Transplanted Tumors and Associated Immunological Functions, Journal of Orgonomy, 24: 39-44.
Bibliography C. Studies of Effects on Human Physiology
  • Bennett, P. (2011) Double-Blind Controlled Experiments and the Orgone Energy Accumulator, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 11: 6-16.
  • Blasband, R. (1972) An Analysis of the U.S. FDA’s Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part 1: the Biomedical Evidence, Journal of Orgonomy, 6: 207-222.
  • Correa, P. and Correa, A. (2007) Transiently Induced Hyperthermia in Humans Exposed to a Controlled ORAC Environment, Aurora Biophysics Research Institute Monograph AS2-33: Experimental Aetherometry, Series 2, Vol. 4 (33): 1-27. ( accessed 11 October 2008).
  • Mazzocchi, A. and Maglione, R. (2010) A Preliminary Study of the Reich Orgone Accumulator’s Effects on Human Physiology, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 21(2): 41-50.
  • Muschenich, S., and Gebauer, R. (1989) The Psycho-physiological Effects of the Reich Orgone Accumulator, Pulse of the Planet, 1 (2): 22-24.
  • Ritter, P. & J. (1954) Experiments with the Orgone Accumulator, Orgonomic Functionalism, 1: 43-47.
  • Snyder, N. (1989) Finger Temperature Effects of the Orgone Accumulator, Journal of Orgonomy, 23: 57-63.
Orgonomic Blood and Tissue Tests
  • Anonymous (1950) Wilhelm Reich’s Priority in Cancer Tests, Orgone Energy Bulletin, 2:
  • Baker, C., Braid, B., Dew, R., and Lance, L. (1984) The Reich Blood Test: 105 Cases, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 1: 1-11.
  • Baker, C., Braid, B., Dew, R., and Lance, L. (1985) The Reich Blood Test: Clinical Correlation, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 2: 1-6.
  • Baker, C. and Burlingame, P. (1989) The Reich Blood Test, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 6: 76-82.
  • Baker, C. and Dew, R. (1986) Studies of the Reich Blood Test in Cancer Mice, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 3: 1-11.
  • Baker, C. Dew, R., Ganz, M., and Lance, L. (1981) The Reich Blood Test, Journal of Orgonomy, 15: 184-218.
  • Bauer, I. (1987) Erythrocyte Sedimentation: A New Parameter for the Measurement of Energetic Vitality, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, 4: 49-65.
  • Baumann, S. (1986) My Experience with the Orgone Accumulator, Energy and Character, 17(1): 65-68
  • Blasband, R., Capella, R., Crist, P., Dunlap, S., Foglia, A., Reich, E., and Schleining, J. (1990) Radiation Victims and the Reich Blood Test, Journal of Orgonomy, 24: 13-25.
  • Boadella, D. (1987) Life Energy and Blood: A Cell’s Eye View of Sickness and Health, Energy and Character, 18(2): 1-21.
  • Cantwell, A. (1991) Bionous Disintegration in Degenerative Disease, Journal of Orgonomy, 25: 191-202.
  • Cantwell, A., and Blasband, R. (1988) Bionous Tissue Disintegration in Three Patients with AIDS, Journal of Orgonomy, 22: 220-226.
  • Correa, P. and Correa, A. (2010) The Orgonomic Theory of Cancer, Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology, 1(3): 1-41.
  • Correa, P. and Correa, A. (2010) Anemia, Polycythemia and Leukemia (1): Molecular Biology and Functional Interrelationships of Hematologic Disorders, Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology, 1(6): 1-164.
  • Deligdisch, L. (1997) Functional Thinking in Gynecological Pathology, Journal of Orgonomy, 31: 52-60.
  • Deligdisch, L. (1998) Neoplasms of the Female Genital Tract, Part I: the Lower Genital Tract, Journal of Orgonomy, 32: 82-91.
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