Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science Volume 1
September 1984, No. 1Scientific Articles: “The Reich Blood Test: 105 Cases,” In this paper the authors present qualitative and quantitative features of the Reich blood tests in health and disease from a sample population of 105 cases. The microscopic appearance of red blood cells in various inflammatory diseases, lymphomas and benign and malignant tumors are described, as well as the preliminary findings from tests during normal pregnancy, and testing of infants and children. The statistical results of quantitative measurements are presented, including normal limits and the 1% disintegration time, scaling of the GMA (gross, microscopic & autoclave) observations, and error assessment. The data allows a clearer understanding of energetic health and rapid shifting phenomena in biopathic disease. “Wound Healing in Mice, Part 1,” This paper is the first of a two-part series that summarizes seven years of experiments on the effects of orgonotic devices on wound healing in mice. In this part, basic features of wound healing as found in the medical literature are reviewed, and findings on the normal (untreated) wound healing process in mice are reported. This report includes a detailed description of methodology and technique, and findings regarding the phases of wound healing, pulsation of wound size, relationship of wound size to healing rate, and its seasonal variation. “Bion Migration,” Reich was the first to observe that bions would migrate when a small electrical current was applied to a bion solution. In this paper, preliminary findings on the characteristics of bion migration under carefully controlled conditions are reported, including descriptions of methodology, technical apparatus, and representative bion behavior (shown graphically). The non-mechanical nature of the phenomena is demonstrated, as well as new characteristics not described by Reich. In particular, we have found migration velocity to be proportional to current; a “fatigue” of velocity with time; exponential decay of charge; and increase of charge after autoclavation. Clinical Reports: “A Case of Dysphonia,” The author describes a the positive results of a brief course of treatment for a patient presenting with dysphonia. “First Do No Harm,” In this report, the author describes the problems he encountered in the treatment of five patients who were previously treated by poorly trained and unqualified therapists. Clinical Symposia: “The Ocular Segment, Part I,” The edited material from training seminars of the Institute presented in this column is intended to provide the readership with information on the theory and practice of orgone therapy. In this installment, nine orgone therapists begin a discussion of the ocular armor segment. The Amateur Scientist in Orgonomy: “Basic Bion Experiments,” This column is intended to encourage “ hands-on” experience with various aspects of Reich’s biological and physical laboratory findings, particularly for interested readers with limited means or access to sophisticated equipment. In this installment, the author describes the preparation of earth bions and a series of systematic observations and experiments conducted with them. Preparation of incandescent carbon, sand, and iron bions is also described. |