Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science Volume 3 September 1986, No. 1 Contents: Editorial: The Ocular Block Studies of the Reich Blood Test in Cancer Miceby C. F. Baker, and R.A. Dew. pp. 1-11 The Effects of Calcium on Preparation 6by C. F. Baker and P.S. Burlingame. pp.12-17 Human Armoring: An Introduction to Psychiatric Orgone Therapy(Chapters 1-3) by M. Herskowitz. pp. 18-34 The Ocular Characterby D. L. Schwendeman. pp. 35-42 Clinical Symposia: The Ocular Segment, Part III.pp. 43-49 The ORAC: Tests on Human Subjects: The (Psycho-) Physiological Effects of the Reich Orgone Accumulatorby S. Muschenich and R. Gebauer. pp. 50-53 Joseph Newman’s Energy Machineby S.S. Nagy. pp. 53-54 A Bioelectric Circulation; Its Function in Health and Diseaseby R. A. Dew. pp. 54-56 On the Vegetative Antithesisby R. A. Dew. p. 56 Orgone Energy and Plant Lifeby J. Espanca. pp. 57-62 Book Reviews: The First Relationship: Infant and Motherby Daniel Stern, reviewed by M. Herskowitz. pp. 63-68 The Freud Controversy: Review of Three Works on Freudby B. S. Braid. pp. 68-71 Notes from the Workshop of Applied Orgonometryby Jacob Meyerowitz, reviewed by C. F. Baker. pp. 71-73 Tweet