The 13th International Symposium on Genital Autonomy and Children’s Rights
“Whole Bodies, Whole Selves: Activating Social Change”
University of Colorado ♦ Boulder, Colorado, USA
July 24–26, 2014
“Whole Bodies, Whole Selves: Activating Social Change”
University of Colorado ♦ Boulder, Colorado, USA
July 24–26, 2014
We are excited to announce the first ever Nordic-Baltic Orgonomic Conference: “Health, Therapy and Society: the Contemporary Relevance of Wilhelm Reich’s Discoveries,” June 7th and 8th, with post-conferents events on June 10, 112014, to be held in Helsinki, Finland.
Three new articles on the history of orgonomy authored or coauthored by IOS member Philip W. Bennett have been published:
What: Italian Association of Orgonomy / International Conference on Orgonomy. Where: Rome, Italy. When: 4th, 5th, 6th, October 2013