The 13th International Symposium on Genital Autonomy and Children’s Rights
“Whole Bodies, Whole Selves: Activating Social Change”
University of Colorado ♦ Boulder, Colorado, USA
July 24–26, 2014
“Whole Bodies, Whole Selves: Activating Social Change”
University of Colorado ♦ Boulder, Colorado, USA
July 24–26, 2014
We are excited to announce the first ever Nordic-Baltic Orgonomic Conference: “Health, Therapy and Society: the Contemporary Relevance of Wilhelm Reich’s Discoveries,” June 7th and 8th, with post-conferents events on June 10, 112014, to be held in Helsinki, Finland.
What: Italian Association of Orgonomy / International Conference on Orgonomy. Where: Rome, Italy. When: 4th, 5th, 6th, October 2013